The Silent Epidemic

Zoe Mercury
5 min readFeb 13, 2020

In 1983 a team of French scientists discovered a formerly unknown virus, from now on to be called HIV. But how long before its official identification did HIV exist? And what did infected people do before it was discovered? Where did they get help from? No one knows.

Although the medical system is in a constant process of evolution and discovery of new ailments and viruses, our medics remain persistently stubborn when it comes to considering that their patients might actually have a hitherto unknown form of disease. They rarely try to open up their box and think in new ways, investigate the unusual composition of your symptoms and suggest extraordinary ways of treatment. Instead of looking back on history and recognizing that new diseases spring up every day, they will all too readily dismiss it as depression or another psychological cause.

Here we would face the chicken and egg dilemma: Body, mind and soul are indivisible. So where does a disease start? Does the psychological trouble cause a physical imbalance or does an unrecognized physical problem cause psychological unwellness?

Both are obviously possible, but I advocate that in many more cases than we are aware of, an overlooked bodily issue causes or mood and energy level and to flatten.

What if the majority of people who are diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder nowadays, actually are victims of a new undiscovered viral epidemic? The HIV of the future. Its name is EBV. Epstein-Barr-Virus.

Medicine is aware of the existence of this virus. But they have come only 5% of the way in understanding all the implications an infection has on the human body. Although EBV’s existence was formally recognized in 1964, medicine is only as far as identifying that it is the cause of mononucleosis (brain inflammation). They are not even able to find it in the body before or after the acute stage of the mononucleosis. Neither do they have a treatment for mononucleosis, other than to wait out until it passes.

This virus is a very sneaky one. It has perfectly adapted itself to our body, so that we and the medics are not even able to distinguish it from our own cells. So much so that when our body is attacking certain places or organs, where the virus nests, doctors will tell you that you have an autoimmune disease. That your body is attacking itself, because they are not yet able to see the virus with their current technological tools. Being a master in camouflage, EBV has managed to spread over 80% of the world’s population, while the current medical statement remains: „As a relatively complex virus, EBV is not yet fully understood. Laboratories around the world continue to study the virus and develop new ways to treat the diseases it causes.“

The first thing to understand is that although 90% of us might carry the virus, it is not causing symptoms for all of us. The virus goes through 4 stages. Only from stage 3 onward do we actually start to pay attention to the symptoms. So many of us might live a lifelong happy marriage with EBV, not even knowing that some of the weird ticks their body has, stem from the virus. These early signs might include: Sugar or wheat cravings (EBV thrives on those), inability of the body to take in nutrients, allergies, sensitive sleep, bloating, indigestion, constant feelings of restlessness/anxiety, being unable to focus properly on tasks over a long time, feeling socially withdrawn and low energy levels, to name just a few. This is all stage 1, while it is barely active.

In stage 2 it starts to nests in your liver. Diseases that start to show up then are diabetes, weight gain, high cholesterol, heart palpitations, adrenal problems, eczema, psoriasis, acne, candida, hepatitis and many more.

From there it will travel to your thyroid (stage 3) and finally to your brain (stage 4). In stage 3 you will be misdiagnosed by medics with thyroid disorder, hormonal imbalance, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as autoimmune disaeases like hashimoto’s, crohn’s and lupus.
Stage 4 will already cause extreme mood disorders (depression, anxiety), severe insomnia, autism, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer- which the scientific community partly has come to understand too.

Living with any of the above illnesses is scary. Not only because of the physical suffering, and the lack of explanation of the causes, but mainly because you are made to believe that your body is defective, that it is destroying itself. This belief is deeply shattering your relationship to yourself. It leaves you feeling betrayed, as if your own body has turned against you. It destroys all trust you have in your body and its healing abilities. Which is one of the main reasons that the information about EBV needs to be spread as quickly as possible. We need to understand that our body’s actions not arbitrary, it would never attack itself, it is only trying to fight the virus that lives inside of us. Our body’s only goal is to keep us alive and healthy. Always.

Understanding that you live with a virus, is a relief as much as it is unsettling. There is another living organism within you that is trying to destroy you. An entire civilization of them. Not only does this viral civilization have their own agenda, they also have their own thoughts and feeling, which mingle with your own. The cravings that you feel for unhealthy foods, that is not your body, it is the virus sending signals, demanding to be fed. The nervousness, bordering on anxiety that you get when you are not able to satisfy your desire for sweets/carbs, it is the virus fearing its own starving. This virus was intelligent enough to morph its own DNA in order to be perfectly invisible in our body. Of course it is also intelligent enough to manipulate you into doing what it needs you to do.

If the thought of a viral colony destroying your body and manipulating your thoughts sounds terrifying to you, you’re definitely not alone. But here’s a relief: There is one man who seems to have a pretty strong grip on the causes, effects and treatment of EBV. His source is unclear, but the information and cure suggestions he provides has proven to be of such tremendous success for so many people, that he quickly rose to be a world-famous health coach in Hollywood. His name is Anthony William and he wrote several books about EBV, the first one being „Medical Medium“.

Although there is no effective EBV cure out there in modern western medicine, William’s diet regimes are incredibly efficient in helping you deal with the virus and get rid of the symptoms in only a few weeks to months, depending on the severity of the case.

If you suffer from any of the above, give it a go! You got nothing to lose, but a lifetime of health to gain.



Zoe Mercury

Autistically overthinking relationships and biohacking!